Breakfast of Champions: “Squashbrowns”, Eggs and Ham



What type of breakfast eater are you? Do you run out of your house with a yogurt or banana to-go and call it a day? Or do you need to sit down and take your time to enjoy a slow start to your morning?

I definitely fall in the second category. In fact, breakfast is sort of sacred to me. It’s my favorite meal, and the only way for me to get a good start to my day. I always look forward to a big bowl of something delicious, and a large cup of coffee, before I can emerge from my house to enter the real world. Even if it means waking up earlier, I will gladly set my alarm to grant myself enough time before going to class.


As far as the menu goes, I’m a fan of oatmeal because of how creative you can get with the pairings! I’m also big on toast. Picture warm crispy slices of good sourdough, slathered with salted butter and raspberry jam or honey. But there are also days when I just need something to really power me through the morning. Days that require a “breakfast of champions”! Read: eggs, bacon, and potatoes, with toast. Or picture my new favorite right here!


Of course, I love breakfast on these days too! But I sometimes feel guilty about having a heavy meal so early on. Fear not, I may have found a way to enjoy them more often! Introducing “squashbrowns”, or spaghetti squash hashbrowns. Imagine golden, crispy strands of deliciousness, minus the carbs. How genius does that sound? And how good does that look?


I stumbled upon a recipe for squashbrowns a week ago and was dying to try them. Since I had some leftover squash from my pad thai recipe, I figured it would be a great way to use it. I wasn’t wrong. It was incredibly delicious and a perfect pairing to runny yolks and crispy bacon. A true breakfast of champions with a lower carbs intake. Now, it doesn’t taste like potatoes, but it definitely stands up to its counterpart, while adding a slightly sweeter taste. Trust me, I take my breakfast very seriously: squashbrowns are the new hashbrowns. Bon appétit!


Total time: 10 minutes


  • 1/2 small spaghetti squash, baked (check my Spaghetti Squash 101), cooled
  • 1 egg
  • 3 slices of ham/bacon
  • a handful of arugula
  • fresh parsley, chopped
  • olive oil
  • 1/4 lemon, juice (optional)
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper


  1. Start preparing the “squashbrowns”. Take the cooked spaghetti squash strands, put them in a cheesecloth (or simply use your hands!), and squeeze out very tightly as much liquid as possible. This will enable the squashbrowns to become golden and crispy.
  2. Heat some olive oil in a large pan. Add the squashbrowns, rolled in patties or scattered, and let them sizzle. When they are lightly golden, crack the two eggs in the side of the pan and add the ham. Let everything cook until done. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. To plate, start with a handful of arugula, lightly season it with a drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice. Top with the eggs sunny side up, ham and golden squashbrowns. Garnish with fresh parsley and enjoy with a large cup of hot coffee or tea!

TIP: This recipe is perfect for leftover spaghetti squash! It takes no time for amazing results!



Temps total: 10 minutes (ou 50 si la courge n’est pas cuite)


  • 1/2 petite courge spaghetti, cuite (recette ici), refroidie
  • 1 oeuf
  • 3 tranches de bacon (ou une tranche de jambon)
  • une poignée de roquette
  • persil frais, émincé
  • huile d’olive
  • 1/4 citron, jus (optionnel)
  • sel de mer et poivre noir fraichement moulu


  1. Commencez par préparer les “röstis de courge”. Mettez la courge cuite dans un torchon type étamine (ou utilisez vos mains!) et serrez très fort pour en extraire le maximum de liquide. Cela permettra à la courge de dorer comme des röstis.
  2. Faites chauffer de l’huile dans un grande poêle. Ajoutez la courge, roulée en boules ou éparpillée, et laissez la saisir. Lorsqu’elle commence à dorer, cassez deux oeufs de l’autre côté de la poêle et ajoutez les tranches de bacon (ou jambon). Laissez cuire et assaisonnez de sel et de poivre.
  3. Pour servir, commencez par une poignée de roquette, assaisonnez la d’un filet d’huile d’olive et d’une touche de jus de citron. Ajoutez les oeufs au plat, le bacon et les röstis de courge dorés. Parsemez de persil frais et dégustez avec une grande tasse de café ou de thé!

LE PLUS: Cette recette est parfaite pour accommoder des restes de courge spaghetti précuits!

7 thoughts on “Breakfast of Champions: “Squashbrowns”, Eggs and Ham

  1. I’d love to have the time every morning to leisurely eat my brekkie but it’s not always possible with the kids and school n being on time for work! I always start with a big cup of green tea though, then it might be toast,or a boiled egg if I’m lucky, other days, breakfast biscuits with tea or fruit with Greek yoghurt. I like bacon n eggs with mushrooms too. My favourite is banana pancakes with strawberries and sprinkled with cinnamon! But to have these things, I need time!!!!!!!

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