Banana-Mixed Berries Overnight Oats



Remember my Bircher Muesli recipe from a couple months ago? Well as the weather keeps getting nicer, and my workload bigger, my crazy “overnight oats obsession” is coming back full speed.


With all of my finals coming up, I can really use some extra time in the morning, and having oats ready to go in my fridge allows me to get a jump start to my day. I can even bring “breakfast in a jar” to my review sessions or the library instead of rushing through my meal and running late. This version is a simple banana-mixed berries one that never fails to be a great start to a busy day. It has no apple, or nuts, like the Bircher Muesli does, and has even more room for your imagination. It’s filling, yet deliciously refreshing, and incredibly adaptable. You can use whichever berries that are in season, or in your fridge, and you’re sure to have a tasty treat in no time. I personally prefer to wait until the next morning to add the fruits, but you can also mash them the night before, and incorporate them into the oats mixture. Bon appétit!


Prep time: 5 minutes (8 hours rest)


  • 1/3 cup old fashioned rolled oats
  • 1/3 cup plain, non-fat yogurt
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened (or vanilla) almond milk
  • 1 banana (sliced)
  • A handful of mixed berries (I use blueberries and blackberries here, but strawberries and raspberries are amazing as well)
  • maple syrup or honey


  1. The previous night, mix the oats, the milk and the yogurt together in an airtight container. (Optional) You can also add mashed fruit, like 1/2 banana, to the mix at that time. Then, place the container in the fridge and let the oats soak overnight.
  2. The next morning, top with a freshly sliced banana, blueberries, and blackberries.
  3. Drizzle with maple syrup (or honey), and enjoy!

TIP: If you like your oats sweeter, you can substitute the plain yogurt for vanilla flavored one, or use vanilla almond milk instead of plain.




Cette recette est devenue mon petit déjeuner préféré. Même pas besoin de mesurer, il vous suffit de prendre un verre et de le remplir à parts égales (en volume) de lait, yaourt et avoine.

Temps total: 5 minutes (repos la nuit)


  • 30g de flocons d’avoine
  • 80g de yaourt nature
  • 80ml de lait d’amandes (vanillé ou non)
  • 1 banane (tranchée)
  • une grosse poignée de fruits rouges (mures, myrtilles, fraises, framboises…)
  • un filet de sirop d’érable ou de miel liquide


  1. La nuit précédente, mélangez les flocons d’avoine, le yaourt et le lait d’amandes dans un récipient qui ferme hermétiquement. (Optionnel: ici vous pouvez aussi ajouter des fruits mixés au mélange, comme 1/2 banane écrasée). Mettez le récipient au frigo et laissez reposer toute la nuit.
  2. Le lendemain matin, sortez le mélange épaissi du frigo, garnissez-le de fruits rouges frais, de banane tranchée, et d’un filet de sirop d’érable. Bon appétit!

LE PLUS: Si vous aimez un mélange plus sucré, vous pouvez remplacer le yaourt nature par du yaourt à la vanille. De même pour le lait d’amandes.

5 thoughts on “Banana-Mixed Berries Overnight Oats

  1. I recently discovered rice porridge as an alternative to oats. Speak to me of all things regarding the relative benefits ? Please ?

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