White Cauliflower Gazpacho



Aaaand action! After a well deserved summer break, I’m finally back for more delicious recipes. Prepare yourself for many new culinary experiments over the coming year. Starting today actually, with this new twist on an old classic.

My love for gazpacho started back when I used to spend my summers in Spain. Growing up, we would go down to my grandparents’ beachhouse with all of my cousins. Those were the best days, when we would lounge by the pool or the sea, and play all kinds of games together. I remember long meals where the eight of us would sit around the kids table, and have conversations that were (obviously) much more interesting than our parents’. Our staple meals always included my grandmother’s homemade gazpacho, which was a true house favorite. She’d start preparing it bright and early, giving the soup just enough time to chill in the fridge before lunch. I would watch and try to help her with an “essential” step or two, like soaking the bread in ice cold water.

Continue reading “White Cauliflower Gazpacho”

Passion Project: Chicken Noodle Soup (with a Twist)




Welcome to Day 2 of my Passion Project’s “chicken week”! Now that we’ve learned how to make homemade chicken broth, what better way to showcase its delicious flavors than in a big bowl of chicken noodle soup? Yesterday, I told you to keep the shredded meat that fell off the bones while cooking the stock. Today, I’m showing you a perfect way to use that too! Continue reading “Passion Project: Chicken Noodle Soup (with a Twist)”

Passion Project: Introduction and Homemade Chicken Stock!



I should probably preface this post by making it clear once and for all that I really love meat! Surprising, I know, considering that only 5 recipes, out of the 90+ I have up on my blog, feature meat. Breaking news, I’m not a vegetarian by choice! Anyone who knows me is well aware that I can’t say no to a juicy piece of steak, a fork-tender leg of lamb, or a perfectly roasted chicken. Continue reading “Passion Project: Introduction and Homemade Chicken Stock!”

Spicy Soba Noodle Soup



Hi everyone! I am so excited to announce that I was nominated by Kale Studios for the Versatile Blogger Awards. On her blog you’ll find lifestyle advice, food for thought and yummy recipes. As required by the award, here are 7 facts about myself.

1. I am French, duh…
2. I have a ridiculously good memory when it comes to lyrics (and a terrible one otherwise).
3. I have over 66,100 views on one of my stopmotion videos (http://youtu.be/BCtoxM77jLo).
4. I have a not so secret obsession with Taylor Swift. Guilty.
5. Breakfast is my favorite meal by far.
6. I would pick hot water with lemon and honey over cough syrup anyday! (this is relevant because I have a cold right now…)
7. I hope that one day I will open my own restaurant/cafe.

Continue reading “Spicy Soba Noodle Soup”

Wintery Red Split Lentils and Turnip Soup




Another cold day, another warm soup! I realize that I posted a soup recipe last week already but to be perfectly honest with you, soups constitute about 50% of my diet as soon as the temperature drops. The other half is noodles, and even then I usually find a way to combine the two into noodle soup. Continue reading “Wintery Red Split Lentils and Turnip Soup”